Finding Representation Invariants for Smart Contracts
Basic Auditing with SmartACE

Finding Representation Invariants for Smart Contracts

By Scott Wesley in collaboration Maria Christakis, Arie Gurfinkel, Xinwen Hu, Jorge Navas, Richard Trefler, and Valentin Wüstholz.

An important aspect of smart contract analysis is functional verification. That is, the ability to check if a bundle (a set of smart contracts) satisfies a given requirement. Often these requirements are written independently from the implementation and refer only to the interface.

In this tutorial we will prove a simple requirement by finding a “representation invariant”, and then use fuzz testing to corroborate our proof. We will learn to:

  1. Instrument a smart contract at the Solidity level.
  2. Generate a SmartACE model from a single smart contract.
  3. Use software model checking to find a representation invariant.
  4. Use fuzz testing to search for violations in the smart contract.

Note: This tutorial assumes all commands are run from within the SmartAce container. All tutorial files are available within the container from the home directory.

Instrumenting a Solidity Smart Contract

Let’s start with a crowdsale smart contract designed to raise goal funds by deadline. Clients may call finish() if the goal is reached by deadline, and cancel() if the goal is not reached by deadline.

contract Crowdsale {
    uint raised;
    uint goal;
    uint deadline;

    constructor(uint _goal) public {
        goal = _goal;
        deadline = now + 365 days;

    function invest() public payable {
        require(now <= deadline);
        raised += msg.value;

    function finish() public {
        require(address(this).balance >= goal);

    function cancel() public {
        require(address(this).balance < goal && now > deadline);

A real crowdsale would track each client’s contribution through the use of a map. We will look at map properties in a future tutorial. For now, let’s verify that finish() and cancel() are mutually exclusive.

Our property says that given a valid implementation, Crowdsale should never move between a finished state and canceled state. We prove this property by finding a representation invariant. The invariant will summarize the concrete states of Crowdsale, and imply that finished and canceled are mutually exclusive.

We can instrument this by:

  1. Adding two ghost variables which track when the contract is finished or canceled.
  2. Adding a public method which asserts that both ghost variables are never true at the same time.

The instrumented contract is given below. In later tutorials we will learn to mechanically instrument smart contracts from temporal specification. For now, save a copy of the instrumented smart contract.

contract Crowdsale {
    uint raised;
    uint goal;
    uint deadline;

    bool finished; // Instrumented.
    bool canceled; // Instrumented.

    constructor(uint _goal) public {
        goal = _goal;
        deadline = now + 365 days;

    function invest() public payable {
        require(now <= deadline);
        raised += msg.value;

    function finish() public {
        require(address(this).balance >= goal);
        finished = true; // Instrumented.

    function cancel() public {
        require(address(this).balance < goal && now > deadline);
        canceled = true; // Instrumented.

    function repOK() public view {
        assert(!(finished && canceled)); // Instrumented.

Generating a SmartACE Model

You can generate a model checking friendly model by running:

solc crowdsale.sol --bundle=Crowdsale --c-model --output-dir=mc

You can generate a fuzzer friendly model by running:

solc crowdsale.sol --bundle=Crowdsale --concrete --reps=5 --c-model \

A pre-generated snapshot of the output is also available.

In future tutorials we will look at the model encoding. For now we focus on the parameters to the tool.

To view all options execute /path/to/install/bin/solc --help.

Checking the SmartACE Model

Model checkers can be used to validate that a logical representation of a program satisfies some problem. This comes at the cost of some abstractions, which we will explore in future tutorials. To run the model checker:

  1. cd mc ; mkdir build ; cd build
  2. CC=clang-10 CXX=clang++-10 cmake ..
  3. cmake --build . --target verify

This will use Seahorn to verify the smart contract for an unbounded number of clients. The default analysis handles integers arithmetically. That is, overflow and underflow are not modeled. When the analysis completes, you will see a certificate of correctness. This certificate is the representation invariant.

In future tutorials, we will learn how to interpret this certificate, and how to debug a model when Seahorn fails to verify the property.

Fuzzing the SmartACE Model

Fuzz testing is a form of automated bug hunting. Fuzz testing works by generating random inputs, in the hopes of violating an assertion. Fuzz tests do not require abstractions, but are limited in their coverage. To run the fuzzer:

  1. cd fuzz ; mkdir build ; cd build
  2. CC=clang-10 CXX=clang++-10 cmake ..
  3. cmake --build . --target fuzz

By default, fuzz will run 1000000 trials with a timeout of 15 seconds. Each trial terminates if a require fails. A trial fails if an assert fails. After a few minutes, all trial will pass, as expected. You will see a summary of the tests printed to the console.


In this tutorial we learned how to use SmartACE to analyze smart contracts with assertions. We saw how supporting a spectrum of analysis techniques, such as model checking and fuzz testing, can enable different forms of model validation. In the next tutorial, we will look closer at model checking in SmartACE.

Written by SeaHorn on 08 June 2020